Vote For The Best ‘Dumb Tourist’ Sign on Your Summer Holiday
The summer is well underway and visitors are flocking to holiday locations all over the world. No doubt, this will include you at some point, and you’ll want to avoid looking like one of those classic ‘tourist types’ stomping around with a 3rd degree sunburn and a shiny new guidebook.
Whilst on holiday, everyone wants to let go a little bit, and of course we all commit these crimes to some extent. These though, are another 12 activities to avoid if you want to have even a slightly authentic holiday experience. So vote here for your favourite, and look out for these folks when you’re swimming at the beach in Mallorca or Tenerife, or in Barcelona standing in line in 40 degree heat to enter the Sagrada Familia.
So as you can see, it’s easy to end up looking a bit silly when you go off on holiday. But don’t take it too seriously, life is no fun if you can’t even laugh at yourself.
Bon Voyage, dummy!