“A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away …”
Everybody knows this opening crawl by heart. These opening words of every episode of the Star Wars series reminds us just how incredibly vast the world is. Indeed our heroes need to use hyperdrive to bridge sidereal distances and sow the terrible imperial fighters. Their travels are often long and perilous and they need moments of rest to recover forces in a free port or the house of some alien form.
Star Wars is full of moments when the characters stop to recharge or plan their next moves. They have the choice of good bars playing jazz, beautiful palaces with magnificent views or dark cells where they probably won’t leave good feedback for the host. Let’s try to imagine being travellers in an intergalactic world. Where would you spend at least one night? Our infographic will help you choose the right place (or you can check out a Wimdu apartment). May the Force be with you!