Salvador is a city located on the Northeast coast of Brazil. It is one of the oldest cities in the country. Salvador is the third most populated city, with Sao Paolo being the largest and Rio De Janeiro the second most populated. The people of this city are known as being easy going and friendly. The most well-known aspects of life here is the food, music and architecture. The area has the longest coastline of Brazil and is very popular with tourists. The types of beaches is quite varied, ranging from calm inlets to high wave beaches which are sought after by surfers. Many outdoor parties and activities are held at these beaches. You are sure to find some activity to enjoy. The climate in Salvador is mildly humid with temperatures usually aroung eighty to ninety degrees Fahrenheit and it stays fairly constant throughout the year. Many large hotels dot the coastline, however, you can get a better experience by staying at an economical bed and breakfast.
Best-rated holiday lettings in Salvador
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Pet-friendly rentals in Salvador
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Accommodation with Internet in Salvador
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Holiday cottages with pool in Salvador
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Best holiday rental offers in Salvador
Price and Availability Index for Salvador
Holiday Letting Price Information in Salvador
We analysed data from the last 12 months and built the graph above to show you accommodation prices in Salvador. Holiday rental prices are the highest in february (22/02 – 01/03). In contrast, december and the period of 06/12 – 13/12 are the most affordable in the year, with vacation rental prices at £26 per night.
Rental availability information in Salvador
This graph shows the availability rate in Salvador over the next year. The most popular time of year to visit Salvador is December. If you'd like to visit then, make sure to book early! On the other hand, only 38% of holiday lettings in Salvador have been booked in March, so this is a good time to look for deals.
Apartment, Accommodation & Rooms in Salvador Brazil
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Features of Salvador holiday rentals
💳 Discounts | up to 52% |
⭐ Popular amenities | Air conditioning, Pool and Internet |
🏊 Holiday rentals with a pool | 3,115 rentals |
🌙 Minimum price | starting at £14 |
🐾 Pet friendly holiday homes | 1,322 rentals |
🏡 Rentals available | 6,488 rentals |